Gilles M

Communities Served: Vancouver East Side North of Kingsway

Hours of Operation: Mon – Sun, 6am – 6pm

Payment Types: Cash, Cheque, Visa, Monthly Invoicing and e-Transfer

Designations & Affiliations:  Veterans Affairs Canada

All the way from France via Australia now living in Vancouver Canada with our two young daughters has been a wonderful experience for our family. Both of us have worked in many different industries over the years but we have found the service industry the most fulfilling and rewarding career to have.

Whether your needs are to make it to appointments in a timely manner, to and from airports, cruise ships or ferries, running errands, we can make your trip easier. Our vehicle can accommodate a foldable walker or wheelchair. With safety, security, and genuine care, you can have peace of mind while you sit comfortably, listen to music, or enjoy pleasant conversation. Including taking you directly into your appointments and retrieving you from doctors’ offices, you do not need to fear any part of your travel with us.

Serving Clients in the following East Vancouver Areas:

  • Mount Pleasant
  • Hastings Sunrise
  • Hastings East
  • Strathcona
  • Commercial Drive
  • Trout Lake
  • Renfrew
  • Renfrew Heights
  • Grandview – Woodlands
  • Collingwood
  • Kingsway

We Can Accommodate Collapsible Wheelchairs and Walkers.

Gilles M
1728 Commercial Dr
Vancouver BC V5N 4A3