Communities Served: View Royal; District of Highlands/Metchosin/Sooke; Cities of Langford and Colwood
Hours of Operation: 24 hours/day 7 Days per week (with advance booking)
Payment Types: Cash, Cheque, and Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, & Discover)
Designations & Affiliations: Veterans Affairs Canada
Anna W.
Anna has a background in rehabilitation services specializing in disability management, injury rehabilitation and aging minds. We specialize in providing clients with safe and timely driving services to appointments, special events or outings. We have a vehicle that can accommodate limited mobility and we are aware of mobility limitations. We can safely get you from A to B even attend your appointment/event with you if you don’t want to go alone.
Nick D .
Nick has a background in caregiving, courier services and eldercare. Nick is our primary driver. He is always on time, courteous and patient. He knows how to assist people after sedation/surgery, people with mobility challenges and people living with cognitive impairment. Nick is very welcoming, greeting everyone he meets with a smile!
Victoria BC Canada